
What is Prison Like?

A life behind bars being convicted and sentenced for a crime can be very hard, and knowing what to expect when going into prison can prepare you for what is yet to come. So what is prison like? A man who has been imprisoned goes through a lengthy procedure even before he is incarcerated. It is hard to know what prison is like without knowing start to end what to expect. When you are first sentenced to prison, whether it's a life sentence or just a year, as a new arrival, you might be able to drive to the prison with a friend or family member. If not, you can even get a ride from the sheriff's department using a prison bus. From there, prisoners will be stripped, disinfected, and then inspected. Just in case they happen to be smuggling anything into the prison. Most personal items are boxed up and put away. Things such as eyeglasses, books, and legal papers are usually allowed.


Prisoner Cell

Most convicts and even guards often refer to new arrivals as fish. When a new prisoner arrives at the prison they will be placed in a special section of the prison that is called the fish tank, after 30 days or so, prisoners from the fish tank are moved into new cells. Cells will usually be eight by six feet and contain a toilet, bed, sink, and metal bed tray, which will typically mount to the wall. When space is limited, another bed will be over the existing bed; cells can consist of three beds and, in rare cases, up to eight. 

Prison Jobs

Some people think that when you are in prison, you have to stay in your cell and find something to keep your mind on like reading a book or on special occasions sit outside in the sun. Most people don't realize that almost all of the work done in prison is done by the prisoners. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, and even landscaping are all done by prisoners. When a convict very first gets to prison, guards will begin finding a job for them. Some prison jobs can pay as little as 10 cents an hour and go on throughout the entire day. 


Toothpaste for Dinner

Ever crave a hamburger on a Friday night or an ice-cold lemonade in the summer? In prison, you don't get that pleasure. If you're hungry after dinner, you will stay hungry. The prison food system is overcrowded and hard to handle, but food tends to be less than nutritious for inmates. Numerous Gordon County Jail inmates stated that they've resorted to eating "toothpaste and toilet paper." Prisoners are usually given three meals a day; there is even talk of shorting meals down to just two per day. Most prisons do not have a calorie requirement for meals, which can make it hard for prisoners to get the precise amount of food they need. Prisoners have said that it is hard to find ways to keep their minds on anything other than food or to stay occupied on other things. A man namedAlbert Prodigy Johnsonwrote a recipe book aimed at prisoners. Inside it has better healthier choices than usual prison food, but the prisons still don't contain all the protein that is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 


Prison Yard

In the prison yard, level 2- 3 inmates are usually allowed several hours of yard time a day so long as they are not in school and aren't assigned a job. Other prisoners that have caused harm to either another prisoner or a guard are only allowed an hour or so about three times a week to make sure nothing happens to the other inmates. If a prisoner is released from prison soon, they will usually stay in their cells instead of going outside just in case another prisoner gets jealous and threatens to cause harm to them. 


Prison at Night

Cell doors close, lights are out, what happens next? Between the screaming and yelling throughout the night, nobody will be prepared for how cold it is. It's nothing like a sleepover, besides being up till one in the morning. Being able to sleep through the noise at night is going to be hard to get over, but the thin blankets and cold sheets are usually the worst parts of the night and it sure does give the title “What is Prison Like” a whole different meaning. If you thought the hard bed and the uncomfortable pillows were going to be the worst part, you're in for another story. 


Thank you for reading the article What is Prison Like? If you or someone you love is in prison and you need help being bailed out, Sportsman Bail Bonds is the place for you! You can call us at 801-623-6877 or contact us online.