
What is Parole?

The question, "What is parole?" comes up a lot in conversations about prisoners. Parole is when a convict is let out of prison permanently or temporarily on account of good behavior. Once the prisoner is let out they are called a parolee. Parolees are allowed to live the rest of their sentences on the outside of prison as long as they live up to the rules and regulations and continue their good behavior. 


How to Get Parole

Parole is not for everyone in fact only a select few will be accepted for it. Parole is not a right, it is an opportunity. There are several different things that you can do to get parole, however, if you’ve been charged a life sentence without parole you won’t have the chance for parole except rare cases for minors. A young man by the name of Jeff Johnson was sentenced to life without payroll as a minor, but because of a new law that was passed in 2012 which states that Life Without Parole for a minor was a cruel and unusual punishment, which is against the 8th amendment. Before Jeff knew he could be released with the new law, he was in various help programs and decided to live a good life in prison still even if it meant he wouldn't be released for it. Because of his continued help for young minors and the variety of programs he was in, it made it easier for his release once the new law was passed. Many young men and women have been sentenced with the chance for parole but sometimes don’t even know what it is and don't get to have it, either because of their behavior in prison or because the parole board sees them as harm to the community. So how would someone get parole? The best chance that a convict will have to get  is to have good behavior and show the board they have changed. Being involved in programs and doing your best to make a difference in the lives of minors will help show the committee a change of heart. Keep in mind that there have been lots of instances where young men haven't been released on parole even when they were involved with helping struggling teens and others for years at a time. It's not a for sure thing, but it will help when the board reviews a prisoner's case. 


What is a Parole Board

The parole board is a group of people that decide whether a man or woman from prison is ready to be released from prison or if they are still seen as a threat to the community. Getting parole from the parole board is a very long and hectic process it may even take up to six months. The parole board will decide whether they want to release the convict by using their files and behavior logs from the prison, they also look at things like the previous lifestyle (drug or alcohol use), where they will live, whether they will have support from friends or family, what the relationship is like with their Offender Manager, and whether they are honest and open about situations that come up. If the parole board declines the convict the opportunity for release, it is possible to set up another meeting and try another time again. This can take up to one year apart from the previous session or even several years depending on the board's viewpoint of the man or woman. 

Life on Parole

Once a convict is released on parole, life is viewed differently. Freedom is taken more seriously and feels better. But, even on the outside of the prison, there is limited freedom. Parolees are still watched and monitored. They make a mistake, and they are back in prison before you can say, “Jiffy.” Parolees are now required to stay within state lines and can not travel in planes or any air transportation. They are assigned a parole officer and will have to keep away from any victims or anyone involved in the crime the parolee was convicted of. 

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